Can a Car Accident Aggravate a Spine Condition Such as Spondylosis?
May 18, 2021Car accidents can cause a wide range of personal injury, including broken bones, cuts and lacerations, organ damage, and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Spinal cord injuries are also common, particularly if the vehicles were traveling at a high speed and the force of impact was severe. In addition to the injuries that are directly caused » Read More
What Should I Do if I am in a Car Accident with a Police Car?
May 10, 2021High-speed pursuits by law enforcement are often necessary to apprehend an individual who is breaking the law. Unfortunately, there are times when innocent motorists get caught in the crosshairs of these pursuits. If a motorist is hit by a police car, he or she can suffer serious personal injury, particularly if the police car was » Read More
How can New Drivers Stay Safe Behind the Wheel?
May 5, 2021Getting a driver’s license is a rite of passage for teens, and one of the most significant steps toward independence. However, for the parents of the new driver, it can be a nerve-wracking experience. Having a driver’s license means that the teen driver no longer has the constant safety net of a parent sitting in » Read More