Who Is Most Likely to be Involved in a Distracted Driving Accident?
December 2, 2021At some point, you have probably looked over and seen the driver next to you talking on the phone or reading a text message. You may have even seen this happen as you were driving on a highway where motorists are driving at a speed of 65 mph or higher. Talking and texting on the » Read More
Am I Liable if a Friend Has an Accident with My Car?
October 15, 2021You did a nice gesture and let a friend borrow your car, but something unfortunate happened. They got into a car accident. Not only is your friendship in jeopardy, but also you are left with costly and inconvenient auto repairs, not to mention a likely increase in your car insurance. It is not always easy » Read More
How can New Drivers Stay Safe Behind the Wheel?
May 5, 2021Getting a driver’s license is a rite of passage for teens, and one of the most significant steps toward independence. However, for the parents of the new driver, it can be a nerve-wracking experience. Having a driver’s license means that the teen driver no longer has the constant safety net of a parent sitting in » Read More
Xbox Teen Driver Training Program
July 4, 2019Studying driver manuals and behind-the-wheel experience are essential tools for learning how to drive, but there is new technology that may help teenage drivers. Driving Essentials XE was recently created by Virtual Driver Interactive. This company makes simulation-based driver training products for different industries, and their client list includes AAA, the United States Postal Service, » Read More
Teen Drivers with ADHD More Likely to Crash
June 12, 2019According to a new study, teen drivers suffering from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more likely to engage in risky driving behaviors, particularly after receiving their driver’s license for the first time. Researchers conducted a longitudinal study comprised of 14,936 teen drivers who received their license between January 2004 and December 2014. These drivers were » Read More